I can feel a bit of a FB hat moment coming on!

Marvellous Mimi / Blog  / I can feel a bit of a FB hat moment coming on!

I can feel a bit of a FB hat moment coming on!

Having recovered well and quickly from the Jungle Ultra I’m now madly rushing around trying to sort my kit out for the WHW race next weekend.  Just when I needed my printer to do some work it decided that it didn’t like being linked with my computer – how rude!! thankfully after much fiddling, swearing, going backwards and forwards between rooms I managed to persuade them to be friends again.  If they were in a relationship on FB it would be “its complicated”  All my maps, instructions etc are printed for the crew, now all I need to do is get my running kit together.

My fantastic Hoka OneOnes arrived from Ian Corless www.runwildrunfree.co.uk  I must say I do love my Hokas, even if they’re not pink!

Training for the week has gone not too badly; thursday was cut short by 4k as my dog went missing while out running, thankfully I found him again but then got tripped up by another dog and decided to call it a day before something else happened to me.

HWMBO and I have had a busy weekend catching up with friends on Friday night and were lucky to be invited to the Oscars of Adventures awards by Neil and Anna Thubron of Extreme Energy hosted by Extreme World Races.  It was fantastic to see what they were all about and be inspired by the recipients of the awards – am very tempted to do one of their races they would definitely push the boundaries quite a lot further than anything else I have done so far.

I am delighted to say that I’m the UK Rep for a fantastic new race called Grand to Grand Ultra http://www.g2gultra.com/ it is the first Self Supported 7 day staged race in North America and you will wake up your first morning with the most fantastic views of one of the 7 Wonders of the World – The Grand Canyons.  I will be putting more information up under news, but please have a look at the website and see what a treat you are in for.

One more 30k to do on Tuesday then I will be set for the WHW.  I’m getting very excited about this race, it has been on my list of races to do for years and I can’t believe that finally I will be running in some of the most beautiful countryside in Scotland.  My plan for this race is to enjoy it, finish in under the 24 hrs but I won’t be racing as I want to soak up the atmosphere and quite simply enjoy myself.  HWMBO I have no doubt will be sneaking a fishing rod into the car, the temptation not to have a little cast will be too big!

Many Congratulations to James Adams and Gemma Greenwood on their recent engagement – I can feel a FB pink hat moment coming on!


Another week ahead, dogs will go to their various hotels (friends) and HWMBO are travelling up to Edinburgh on Wednesday to stay with The Old Bag, fantastic.






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