Rehab – the saga continues!

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Rehab – the saga continues!

Practicing our Yoga moves!!

The last few weeks have been a real emotional rollercoaster.  Trying to get back up and running and things not exactly going to plan made me feel as though I had the weight of a mountain on my shoulders.  Each night I wake up in the early hours of the morning feeling as thought I’m having a massive panic attack – very unpleasant.

Rehab, although going in the right direction is way slower than I thought it would be.  I presumed by now that I would be able to run at least 5 miles but no, I’m still at the walk/run stage and the longest run section is 3 minutes (outside). Then, the hamstring decided it was going to join in the fun and games and running became extremely painful due to a swelling behind my knee – now I really was getting hacked off.  My osteopath ordered me to take two weeks off from running, in fact for the first week I wasn’t even allowed to the gym (Mrs grumpy makes a reappearance!).  The second week wasn’t quite as bad as we were on holiday in Morocco so lots of sun to make up for the lack of exercise.

Deana my marvellous Sports therapist had given me some strength and conditioning exercises that I could do each day in the pool, this mentally helped as I felt as though everything was moving forwards again.

Each morning HWMBO, Becky, Paul and myself would get up and head towards the beautiful 7 mile beach outside the hotel where they enjoyed a run and muggins would power-walk.  The first morning I have to admit I did struggle with the fact that they were all running and I wasn’t so it was probably just as well that I was on my own, it gave me time to sort it out in my head and by the time I met up with them again I was back to my normal happy self.


This routine continued until the last day when my two weeks rest was up so when everyone headed off for their run I did a run walk – felt amazing (it’s the small things that make the difference)


Returning home I headed off to Kent University Sports & Science department for the 1st of my 3 weekly sessions with Deana.  Whilst I had been away she had decided that the schedule was going to change for the next couple of weeks.  The only running I would do was on the Alter G and on a Saturday I could go out and do a long bike ride in order to build up my endurance.  Between my sessions at the University I would rehab in the pool and gym.  All this kept me out of trouble and gave my knee a bit longer to finish healing.

My bike had been leant to my youngest a few years ago so sadly (ha ha) I had to go and buy myself a bike.  My first outing was absolutely amazing.  I can’t tell you how marvellous it felt to be outside and not stuck in a gym, happy days.  The first session was only 15 miles as I didn’t want to push the knee but all felt good, no pain or swelling so the following Saturday I went for a 30 mile bike ride followed by a 14 miler on Sunday with HWMBO followed by a 5 mile walk with the dogs.

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HWMBO did try and show off though and sped off into the distance on the flats, thankfully he wasn’t quite as good on the uphills so I managed to overtake him again (not that we were feeling competitive!)

I’m now feeling a lot more relaxed.  My knee is way better and I can bend and straighten it the same as my left leg – I now have a matching pair (nearly!).  The pain behind the knee seems to have disappeared and my muscles are getting stronger.  I do my rehab exercises or gym weights every day and can really feel the difference.

Lucy and I have been working on my book which is due out in August.  Feeling very excited about it but a touch nervous at the same time – no-one might buy it!

Tomorrow I’m off to have a massage and a session on the Alter G.  I’m now using 60% of my body weight running for 10 minutes (I know doesn’t sound very much but I’m thrilled) with no pain – WOOHOO.

I will be running in no time thanks to all the amazing support I’m being given.

If any of you are about to go a knee OP or have just had one, please take the rehab and healing process seriously.  I have said this in a previous blog but I was told in no uncertain terms that I was to do NO running until I saw my surgeon 6 weeks post surgery.  You can cross train, walk and concentrate on getting the muscles back.  If you want to have a longer runner career then listen to the professionals it will be worth it in the longer term.


Happy Training.

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