My first Parkrun

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My first Parkrun

imagesI had to laugh at myself on Saturday.  Having got up at 6.30 a.m. enjoyed a relaxed coffee in bed with HWMBO (who was snoring) I then bounced out of bed, got myself into my running kit and headed out of the door.  It felt very odd not taking all the usually paraphernalia like packs, rain jackets, food and water bottles but thankfully there was no need as I was off to the first Ashford Parkrun and my first parkrun.

With directions printed I set off towards Ashford, loads of time in hand until my car took me the wrong way – oops.  Quick stop in a car park tapped the address details into my phone and off I set again this time going in the right direction, finally arriving at Victoria Park LATE!  You can imagine how embarrassed I felt arriving 14 mins late for the start of my first Parkrun.  Never mind I was told to get going and they would wait for me, marvellous!

Off I set running like the clappers, no time to get my watch started, hair bouncing round my face as I didn’t have time to tie it back, buff (which I would usually use to keep my hair off my face) keys and the bit of paper with my barcode on were still in my hands.  Trying to put everything in a pocket was impossible, I couldn’t stop as I was late so I just kept going – even my waterproof was unzipped so kept falling off my shoulders, not what I had envisaged for my first Parkrun.

Got to the end of the first loop to loads of encouraging claps and “come on Mimi” when one of the Marshalls directed me to the little loop to take me to the finish, very loud shout from the finish line “Mimi’s got another loop” so quick dash back to the main path and off I went again.

Not the best start to my Parkrun debute in a time of 38:40 but next saturday I will get there for the start and hopefully get a PB – exciting times!!! I would just like to say that this fast running is exhausting, how can you talk, smile and run at the same time, virtually impossible!!!!

A great event, lovely atmosphere, cheerful marshalls and loads of encouragement.  The greatest pleasure for me was seeing a couple of children running with their parents, they were giving it real welly and enjoying themselves.

Happy training


1 Comment
  • Well done on making it to your local parkrun … sounds like a PB is guaranteed next time! 🙂

    October 29, 2013 at 11:01 am