Growing old is a fact of life, however that doesn’t always make it easier when you look at yourself in the mirror and staring back at you is a face with wrinkles, greying hair (which I spend a fortune on having put back to its natural colour) and everything appears to be heading rather too rapidly south. Inside however you feel exactly the same as you did when you were in your 20’s. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.
Sometimes I find myself going clothes shopping and looking lovingly at the sort of clothes I used to wear and have to remind myself that if I was to put them on I would look like mutton dressed as lamb – not a good look! (although a great way to embarrass the children)
Can you remember what you wanted to be “when you grew up” I had quite a few marvellous ideas. At about 13 I wanted to be a doctor but unfortunately I wasn’t clever enough, so the next career that popped into my head was to be a nurse; they work with doctors so it was as close as I could get. When I was being treated for my anorexia I remember going to see my own doctor just before my O Levels who said in his opinion I wouldn’t enjoy nursing as my social life would suffer – how true! that idea was knocked off the list.
Eventually after failing my O Levels first time round (due to my anorexia) I retook them the following term passing them all and began my A level course this time with the plan of being a physiotherapist (I have a bit of a theme going on here). All was going to plan (for once) but unfortunately I didn’t get the result I wanted for one of my exams so back to the drawing board.
My parents despaired of me in my teenage years and were more than happy when I left home at the age of 18, far better they didn’t see what I was up to! At 20 I left Scotland and went to work in London with HWMBO (much to my fathers disapproval!) and worked for a firm of Accountants as their PA – always makes me laugh as I am completely useless at maths and doing accounts was a nightmare as we had to use carbon paper to make copies and if I made a mistake would have to tippex about four layers! To send electronic messages I used a telex machine – most of you probably won’t know what that is! Good grief I’m a bit of a dinosaur.
On the 20th July I will be the grand old age of 50. I didn’t mind turning 40, hated being 45 (it was far too close to 50) but 50 I don’t seem to mind. I look back on my life with a smile on my face. Ok I might not have achieved what I wanted to do in my teens, but I don’t think I have done too badly. Everything that has happened to me, good and bad has made me the person I am today.
I have a fantastic family, a husband who has been very supportive and amazing and by a complete fluke have found something I’m quite good at and above all love with a passion – how lucky am I?!
So, when I look in the mirror and see this face staring back at me I see laughter lines, a mop of blonde hair, a body that is very different to the one I had in my 20’s and a life that so far has been quite amazing.
Getting old isn’t so bad, it is after all just a number!
My Rememberer
My forgetter’s getting better But my rememberer is broke To you that may seem funny But, to me, that is no joke.For when I’m ‘here’ I’m wondering If I really should be ‘there’ And, when I try to think it through, I haven’t got a prayer! Often times I walk into a room, |
At times I put something away Where it is safe, but, Gee! The person it is safest from Is, generally, me!When shopping I may see someone, Say “Hi” and have a chat, Then, when the person walks away I ask myself, “who was that?” Yes, my forgetter’s getting better
Happy training!